Privacy Policy

Crypto-Knife Signals, which comprises of experts in trading and marketing aims to provide you with accurate and considerable trading and related education to their customers. The primary objective of this company is simply to guide and provide trusted information for trading and business in cryptocurrency.

Crypto-Knife Signals as a trusted crypto company collects your details like name, email address, billing info and many more while you join hands with our company through the signup just for a single and genuine purpose which starts and ends on sending emails at a regular time interval regarding the latest news, updates and guidance in trading.

Crypto-Knife Signals respects their customer’s Personally Identifiable Information and hence we keep all the details confidential with us. We do not transfer, trade or sell our customer’s information.

Experts at Crypto-Knife Signals are 24*7 up for their customers in the field of guidance, supplying offers or any kind of help in trading only for sharing knowledge and experience but that would not be considered as investment advice.

Also, this company receives and stores all the data that users enter or provide us while getting connected with us, along with this we also collect internet protocol address which is used to connect your device with the internet.

Crypto-Knife Signals uses software tools to do analysis by measuring and collecting session details like page interaction information, page response times, time duration to certain pages and methods to browse from the page.

Whenever you perform any transaction on our company’s website as a final or the initial step of the complete process, we again store your personal information such as name, email address, mobile number and residential address which are used to give you updates and information regarding trading purposes. All the personal and non-personal information of our customer’s that are collected used for the below genuine reasons:

-providing and operating the services.

-complying with all applicable laws and regulations.

-creating aggregate statistical data and other inferred non-personal information which our company or partners use to provide and improve our services.

-notifying you regarding your account. -troubleshooting irrelevant happenings.

-understanding marketing opinions through surveys.

-sending the company’s updates.

-discussing agreements.

Crypto-Knife Signals is totally devoted and dedicated to their customers ensuring the user’s privacy by actions as well as policies. All the queries and feedbacks are welcomed on [email protected] Feel free to drop your doubts in our mailbox!